Sailor's Solutions LLC      

RAILMT Signal Mate Rail Mount Bracket

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Ultra Tef-Gel - Anti-Seize Lubricant for fastening stainless screws to aluminum
Non-lanolin 100% synthetic formula US Navy spec.
SmartLock outboard motor lock for engines to 35/40 HP

Keep your engine safe from thieves!
Signal Mate 2NM LED Tri-Color plus Anchor, Wind Indicator Illumination and Daylight Sensor (bracket included)
Compact and rugged Designed for many years of operation. Daylight sensor turns Anchor light on/off Made in USA!
Smartlock stainless steel security cable (16 feet, 5 meters) (in stock)

Outdoor Collapsible Solar Lantern. Luci Outdoor 2.0

Wireless 12 Volt DC Remote Switch
Use the same technology that unlocks your car door to turn your deck lights on before you board from up to 75 Yards away - Makes boarding easier and safer!
SCAD Sensibulb� LED Light - LED cabin light bulb replacement Made in USA!
Jan '09 Practical Sailor's Highest Lumen Output!The Brightest output LED system, pleasing color, broad focus, very low battery draw. Fits into vertical and horizontal fixtures! Zero radio interference!
Coolnet Sailboat Hammock - Unique 3-point design sets up fast and stores easily
If you want a really nice place to lounge or sit you need this hammock! that you can rig in a few minutes

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