Sailor's Solutions LLC      
product<br>image Item Bal01, 60-100-SR-IG alternator, ARS-5-H regulator, MC-TS-A Alternator Temp Sensor, MC-TS-B Battery Temp Sensor.
Everything you need to upgrade your Yanmar,Perkins or other saddle mount dual foot alternators to the most efficient charging system for AGM or flooded cell batteries

Charge faster Charge better!

product<br>image Item BalDC01, Digital Duo Charger charges starting battery from house bank. by Balmar.
Acts like a combiner with a regulated charge.

LED Spreader light from Scandvik
New product with the latest LED technology
Lifeline AGM Deep Cycle Marine Battery
12 Volt (Size)24 (Capacity)80 Amp Hr

Charges deeper, faster and without maintenance!
Will not spill or leak!
60-100-SR-IG alternator, ARS-5-H regulator, MC-TS-A Alternator Temp Sensor, MC-TS-B Battery Temp Sensor
Everything you need to upgrade your Yanmar,Perkins or other saddle mount dual foot alternators to the most efficient charging system for AGM or flooded cell batteries

Charge faster Charge better!
Razor sharp HOOKNIFE clears lines fast!
Hook and pull action slices entangled lines from your prop or rudder! NOT CURRENTLY STOCKED. Please see our new longer Hooknife in stock here: Hooknife 2
Signal Mate 3 NM LED Anchor Light
Compact and rugged Designed for many years of operation. Mounting bracket included Made in USA!
SCAD TM1 Tank Monitor Kit with Sensor.
Monitor holding tanks and water tanks with the touch of a button.
Laser Rescue Flare
Hand-held day and nighttime laser signaling device.
SCAD Sensibulb™ LED Light - LED cabin light bulb replacement Made in USA!
Jan '09 Practical Sailor's Highest Lumen Output!The Brightest output LED system, pleasing color, broad focus, very low battery draw. Fits into vertical and horizontal fixtures! Zero radio interference!

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