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Tclutch01 TillerClutch Steering System complete with 16 foot control line
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A flick of the finger latches and unlatched the tiller for effortless sailing

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Over the last 30 years I've tried to arrange various lines and tying methods to my tiller. I could usually get it to work but the TillerClutch latches the tiller to any position eligantly and is just as easy to release.

Two screws install it on the bottom of the tiller. Run the control linie as shown in the photos. You're done!

Steering with the TillerClutch installed is unhampered. When you do want to use it, just latch it.

In an emergency the TillerClutch is designed to be overpowered by the helmsman without unlatching. Of course, unlatching the lever is easier.

The TillerClutch is an excellent addition to any tiller steered boat. Now you can rest your arm and go hands-free whenever you need a short break.

Watch this cool video of the Tiller Clutch:

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