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SB01 Fall Preventor -Now includes Screw-Lock Rescue Carabiner
Life is precious! Don't go aloft without a Fall Preventer!

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The Fall Preventer Safety System

Going aloft entails risk. The Fall Preventer mitigates that risk!

Note: We have recently upgraded this unit to include a high-quality 3/8" diameter 316 stainless steel rescue carabiner.

Risk management without the Fall Preventer: You know the drill;
  1. Connect a primary halyard to your harness and bosun's chair.
  2. Connect a secondary halyard as a safety line.
  3. Have a mate raise you up on the primary while tailing and belaying the safety line.
Risk Issues:
  1. The winch operator(s) has to crank you up and take in the slack in the safety line multiple times.
    Your potential fall is the length of the slack in the safety line.
  2. The safety line must be made fast reliably multiple times!
    You are dependent on the safety line operator's vigilance and skills.
  3. Conclusion: The ill effects of gravity can be felt if your safety line is slack or is not belayed properly.
Risk management with the Fall Preventer: Insurance Vs. Assurance
  1. Connect a primary halyard to your harness and bosun's chair.
  2. Connect a secondary halyard as a safety line.
  3. Belay the safety line fast to the boat and snatch on the Fall Preventer!
  4. Have a mate raise you up on the primary line. The Fall Preventer will smoothly slide up the safety line. If the primary lets go, the Fall Preventer's cam will stop your fall immediately
  5. Conclusion: Fall Preventer eliminates the safety line operator and minimizes your risk aloft. Belay it once and eliminate slack!
Fall Preventer operation:
  1. Remove the Fast-pin.
  2. Rotate the cam out of the shell.
  3. Place the shell on the halyard with the arrow facing up.
  4. Replace the Fast-pin
  5. Attach the Fall Preventer's Screw-lock Carabiner to the D Ring of the harness, chair and lifting halyard.
  6. As you ascend, the cam cleat will track your ascent. Track the Fall Preventer as high up on the safety halyard as possibe to eliminate slack.
Components & Specifications:
The Fall Preventer is comprised of a cam cleat, a short nylon tether and a screw-lock rescue carabiner, each element has a rated capacity of over 1500 pounds.

When attached to a fixed halyard (up to 1/2” diameter) with the carabiner fastened to the D Rings of your harness and Bosun's chair, the Fall Preventer provides a complete and continuous safeguard against falling throughout the ascent and descent of a sailboat's mast.

  • NO SECOND PERSON is needed to belay a safety line.
  • In use, the Fall Preventer slides easily upwards, but, with even the slightest down-ward pressure, WILL NOT MOVE unless deliberately released by raising the cam.
  • The Fall Preventer can be used equally well with mast steps or with a Bosun's chair.
  • All Fall Preventer materials are appropriate for use in the marine environment.
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