Sailor's Solutions LLC      
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LPG02 LPG spare propane canister adaptor
Adapts small propane disposable canisters stored in your LPG Safe Store (LPG01) to your LPG system

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This adaptor allows you to use small Propane disposable cylinders to your Propane system giving you the ability to use disposable cylinders as an emergency supply.
Smartlock stainless steel security cable (16 feet, 5 meters) (in stock)

Small Soundproofing Kit - 12 tiles typical 28' boat engine compartment (1 inch X 1 foot X 1 foot tiles)
New and improved with fiberglass reinforced reflective surface!
You're going to love the quiet motoring!
Lifeline AGM Deep Cycle Marine Battery
12 Volt (Size)24 (Capacity)80 Amp Hr

Charges deeper, faster and without maintenance!
Will not spill or leak!
Coolnet Sailboat Hammock - Unique 3-point design sets up fast and stores easily
If you want a really nice place to lounge or sit you need this hammock! that you can rig in a few minutes
WinchRite ABT Cordless, Lightweight, Electric Winch Handle
Boat Show Special through February! Instantly electrify all your winches!
Laser Rescue Flare
Hand-held day and nighttime laser signaling device.
SmartLock outboard motor lock for engines to 35/40 HP

Keep your engine safe from thieves!
Winch Handle Holder


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