Sailor's Solutions LLC      
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BRSH05 Poly-Brush® by Jen - 2-inch wide - 8-pack
Recommeded by BoatWorks Magazine for brightwork & Ultimate Sole Products The best disposable foam brush on the market

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Poly-Brush® by Jen is ideal for the application of enamel, latex, oil paints, stain and varnish. Poly-Brushes are an economical disposable applicator that are easy to use and give professional results.

The Poly-Brush® by Jen smoothes out the paint and covers correctly with fewer strokes, eliminating brush marks or loose bristles so that even the inexperienced users can achieve reliable, professional results.

We do not recommend that our products be used with shellac or lacquer.
Soundproofing Tile - 1 single tile (1 inch X 1 foot X 1 foot tile)
New and improved with fiberglass reinforced reflective surface!
You're going to love the quiet motoring!
Outdoor Collapsible Solar Lantern. Luci Outdoor 2.0

SCAD TM1 Tank Monitor Kit with Sensor.
Monitor holding tanks and water tanks with the touch of a button.
Ultra Tef-Gel - Anti-Seize Lubricant for fastening stainless screws to aluminum
Non-lanolin 100% synthetic formula US Navy spec.
Velcro® Brand Marine Grade Hook and Loop,
2-inch-wide, waterproof adhesive-back. Sold by the foot in white or black

Solve onboard mounting problems fast! A little goes a long way!
Laser Rescue Flare
Hand-held day and nighttime laser signaling device.
SCAD TM2 Tank Monitor for Two Tanks (sensors sold separately)
Monitor two tanks with the touch of a button.
SCAD Sensibulb™ LED Light - LED cabin light bulb replacement Made in USA!
Jan '09 Practical Sailor's Highest Lumen Output!The Brightest output LED system, pleasing color, broad focus, very low battery draw. Fits into vertical and horizontal fixtures! Zero radio interference!

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