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WP042 22-10 Ga. Control Cycle Crimping Tool.
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Make a perfect crimp everytime. Specifically designed and manufactured for waterpoof heat shrink terminals and splices.

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This controlled cycle ratchet crimp tool is specifically designed and manufactured for waterproof shrink terminals and splices. It is UL listed and CSA Certified with heat shrink terminals and splices to provide the correct crimp every time.

A great feature of this crimper is that the crimping pressure is a wide single-cavity die. Unlike other control cycle crimpers this unit functions in the left and right-handed situations you will find yourself in while doing an installation.

If you've been fooled by a crimp that looks good but pulls out when you test it, you'll really appreciate this feature.

  • UL Listed & CSA Certified for heat shrink terminals 22-10 AWG.
  • Precision Dies color-coded to industry standards for an accurate crimp each time
  • Ratchet Mechanism ensures a proper crimp each time by not releasing until cycle is complete
  • Compound Action delivers maximum crimp force with minimal effort
  • Cushion Grip Handles comfortable grip eases strain on hands
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