Sailor's Solutions LLC      
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WP004 8" Mounting Head Cable Tie width .19" UV Black 50 Lb. Tensile - 100/Bag
High-quality UV protected cable ties in an economical package size

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Ultra Tef-Gel - Anti-Seize Lubricant for fastening stainless screws to aluminum
Non-lanolin 100% synthetic formula US Navy spec.
60-100-SR-IG alternator, ARS-5-H regulator, MC-TS-A Alternator Temp Sensor, MC-TS-B Battery Temp Sensor
Everything you need to upgrade your Yanmar,Perkins or other saddle mount dual foot alternators to the most efficient charging system for AGM or flooded cell batteries

Charge faster Charge better!
SCAD TM1 Tank Monitor Kit with Sensor.
Monitor holding tanks and water tanks with the touch of a button.
LED Spreader light from Scandvik
New product with the latest LED technology
Winch Handle Holder

SCAD Sensibulb™ LED Light - LED cabin light bulb replacement Made in USA!
Jan '09 Practical Sailor's Highest Lumen Output!The Brightest output LED system, pleasing color, broad focus, very low battery draw. Fits into vertical and horizontal fixtures! Zero radio interference!
Laser Rescue Flare
Hand-held day and nighttime laser signaling device.
SmartLock outboard motor lock for engines to 35/40 HP

Keep your engine safe from thieves!

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