Sailor's Solutions LLC      

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Medium Soundproofing Kit- 18 tiles typical 32'-36' boat engine compartment (1 inch X 1 foot X 1 foot tiles)
New and improved with fiberglass reinforced reflective surface!
You're going to love the quiet motoring!
Winch Handle Holder

Lifeline AGM Deep Cycle Marine Battery
12 Volt (Size)24 (Capacity)80 Amp Hr

Charges deeper, faster and without maintenance!
Will not spill or leak!
Laser Rescue Flare
Hand-held day and nighttime laser signaling device.
60-100-SR-IG alternator, ARS-5-H regulator, MC-TS-A Alternator Temp Sensor, MC-TS-B Battery Temp Sensor
Everything you need to upgrade your Yanmar,Perkins or other saddle mount dual foot alternators to the most efficient charging system for AGM or flooded cell batteries

Charge faster Charge better!
SCAD MLC™ Masthead Light Controller
Turns ordinary anchor light into distress signal providing an important safety feature.
Ultra Tef-Gel - Anti-Seize Lubricant for fastening stainless screws to aluminum
Non-lanolin 100% synthetic formula US Navy spec.
3M™ Scotchlite™ SOLAS Reflective Tape 2 inch wide- SOLD BY THE FOOT
See and be seen! Sold by the foot

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