Sailor's Solutions LLC      

RL02 Super bright Rail Light with Heavy Duty Clamp
The brightest rail light we've tried at a great price.

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This super bright rail light includes a heavy duty clamp with a quick disconnect. The light will last up to 10 hours on a charge. It is the brightest light we've tried at a terrific price.
WinchRite ABT Cordless, Lightweight, Electric Winch Handle
Boat Show Special through February! Instantly electrify all your winches!
Perfect Pole Telescopic Handle for Hooknife Rated #1 by Powerboat Reports!
This is the best pole/handle for our line slicing Hooknife. Extends your Hooknife's reach by 6'
Winch Handle Holder

Smartlock stainless steel security cable (16 feet, 5 meters) (in stock)

Signal Mate2NM BiColor Bow Light with adjustable mounting bracket
An excellent LED Bow light. Easy to mount Made in USA!
Extra Large Soundproofing Kit - 48 tiles for wider 36'-42' boat engine compartment (1 inch X 1 foot X 1 foot tiles)
New and improved with fiberglass reinforced reflective surface!
You're going to love the quiet motoring!
Signal Mate 2NM LED Tri-Color plus Anchor, Wind Indicator Illumination and Daylight Sensor (bracket included)
Compact and rugged Designed for many years of operation. Daylight sensor turns Anchor light on/off Made in USA!
Laser Rescue Flare
Hand-held day and nighttime laser signaling device.

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